>If you mean the SuperDrive I belive its Pioneer, I did note it adds $1000 to
the price of the flat screen iMac while to buy the same drive for a pc I think
was $1800.

I read that it is indeed the Pioneer A03 "SuperDrive" - $885 + GST to
anyone with a wholesale account at a PC parts dealer...

So for a tad over $1000 bucks you could put one in an external case
on any FireWire equipped Mac.

Apple is apparently now using the Pioneer A04, which should be landing in Perth for $799 wholesale ex tax in the not too distant future.

Note that the drives Apple puts in its machines may have slightly different ROMs to those in off the shelf units, which may not guarantee perfect compatilibily (with Apple software at least) so caveat emptor.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
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