Hi, I am very new to computers. I have a second hand PowerMac 
7220/200 using OS 8.6. I have been trying to find a way to back it up. 
I checked the CD that came with it an found it to be for a Performa 5300, 
and have been told that this is the wrong disc and what I really need is an 
OS 8.6 CD.

Since then I have been on Ebay etc looking for a second hand OS 8.6 CD, 
with no luck. Are there any out there?

Then the other day a friend of mine who has just bought an iBook offered 
me an OS 9.2 CD. He said that by installing this it will provide; a new 
OS and a readily available back up disc for the installed OS system.
(I will be getting a new iMac M7677X/A later in the year so I will then 
have my own back up CD)

But I did notice on the CD something along the lines of "OS 9.2 for 
iBook and would like to know:

Will this install corrrectly on my 7220/200;

How do I uninstall the 8.6;

How do I install the 9.2; and

Presuming I have done all of this successfully what else do I need to do 
to back up the rest of the computer?

I told you I was a novice and because of this am unsure as to what 
exactly needs to be backed up and to where. I bought a Zip100 and 
could not fit the systems file onto it, so that didn't help. I checked on the 
Performa Cd and found a back up program, but that would only use HD 
floppies and I would need about 400 hundred of them! Is there a 
program download available that will let me do a back up with the zip100 
i.e load disc A, now load Disc B unitl the computer is backed up?

This would be extremely valuable if I choose or have to install the 9.2, 
because I could back up the entire OS 8.6 to the zip100 beforehand. If I 
am able to do this can the whole computer be run again using the zip 
discs if it crashes?

Finally can someone point me in the right direction as regards to 
upgrading the 7220/200? Someone suggested increasing the RAM, 
(which I would like to have more of but am unsure as to how to do it and 
what is required to be purhcased), also increasing the HD to 10 gig and 
upgrading to a 233mhz G3. ( Is there much difference between the 200 
mhz ppc 603e that I have and the 233mhz G3? ) He said he had done 
similar with a 7500 and it had cost him about $250. Would this be a 
waste of time and money and would I be better leaving it and just getting 
the iMac? 

I know that my knowledge, computer and OS are antiquated in 
comparison to what I have read so far on the messages page and the 
subjects discussed at last Tuesday's WAMUG meeting. I was even 
embarrased to ask these questions during the question time, but we all 
have to start somewhere and I would appreciate your help and your 


Matt Falvey