Has anyone out there had any experience scripting GraphicConverter?

What I'm trying to do is pretty simply - go through a folder of images, 
load each one in turn into GC, copy it to the clipboard and paste into 
another app. Everything is working fine except the bit where I want GC 
to copy the contents of its front window. Nothing seems to work, and as 
us usual with things AppleScript, supporting documentation is woefully 
lacking. The GraphicConverter AS dictionary offers nothing constructive 
at all. I can't believe what I'm trying to do is not possible.

Working in MacOS X. I'd use Preview instead of GC but it doesn't seem to 
be scriptable (at least it doesn't have a dictionary).

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, ::::::::::::::::::::::::
Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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