On Sunday, April 21, 2002, at 04:04 PM, Philip Trouchet wrote:

Could anyone please suggest a practical Mac OS compatible (As above) ?
Suggestions, Experiance or comments on a progamme which won't cost
an arm & a leg greatly appreciated. Ciao all > P.

(Sorry - haven't been reading my mail for a while)

For MacOS-X, check out HardLine (www.hardline.ws). It's pure Java so you can run it on just about any modern computer (Win, Mac-X, Linux, etc). It's an attempt at the ASP marketing model, which works really well in this case, since all the market data is managed and updated on the server - you just run a client program, and since your profile lives on the server, you can use it at home on the mac and also on the PC at work (or whatever). It's quite usable on a 56K modem, and excellent with broadband.

There's a 14day free trial, and there is AU and US equities data.

One warning - the GUI is a little un-mac-like (perverted aqua?) but we're working on it...

Paul Tetley