* 60 Gb HD (FireWire External, 3.5" drive, 3 x 20Gb partitions)
* Partition 1 died during a backup, due to what seems to have been a flakey PCMCIA FireWire (Ratoc CBFW2) card in my laptop (Lombards, 333)
* The usual "Do you want to eject / initialize" message on startup
* Normal TechTool Pro (3.0.6) can't fix it
* TechTool Protection was not active on that drive, it's a "sneaker" drive (bugger!) * Doing a Data Recovery by all but "scavenge" fails - when I do a scavenge it says 65,000 files found but doesn't display any to select after having me select a partition / volume to recover too

Any ideas?

I suspect DiskWarrior is of no use as it has to be able to mount it (which it can't.)

Norton (6.0) says the disk is locked...

Bugger, bugger, bugger!

I need backup backups...
= = =
= Antony N. Lord = http://antonylord.com =
= [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Perth, Western Australia =
= = =