> I can see why Apple would not want to release the eMac to the
> general public. Roughly the same hardware specs as the base model iMac LCD.
> Approximately $1000 less - it would severely
> cannibalise LCD sales. Only massive public reaction would sway Apple to
> release the machine to consumers, but that would also mean a backflip on
> their current consumer policy. (I'm not holding my breath!)

I'm going to buy an iMac soon, but I wouldn't want an eMac. Why?

1) No CD burner (base model). How will I backup? (and receive absolution
from St Andrew of Nielsen).
2) Too big. Nowadays space seems at a premium (*especially* at a restaurant)
Not to mention too heavy.
3) Ugly. It looks dated next to the iMac. Doesn't have the panache of even
the old iMac. In fact it reminds me of a big Hoover washing machine.

All things aside, I think they will release them eventually in the normal
sales channels (they should - I think they usually do after a while). There
is a market for a cheap $2100 Mac (students etc). It should be addressed for
the long term benefit of us all.

Brett Carboni
Tsunami Sushi Bar
"Endorsed Sushi Services by St Andrew of Nielsen of the Order of the Holy
Bike of Antioch"