The price I quoted is for the CD-ROM model (ex GST) ... Not the Combo model,
which is $2345.

On 1/5/02 10:08 AM, "Paul Sparrow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mattew
> don't know where you got that price from!
> Apple University Consortium price is  $2345.00 (all ways better than any
> other offer!)
>> ----------
>> From: Matthew Healey
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 22:49 PM
>> To: Wamug
>> Subject: Re: While you weren't looking.....
>> On 30/4/02 8:18 PM, "Stephen Chape" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I know ... I went to the Apple website about 2 hours ago and saw it
>> there.
>>> A G4 eMac (not iMac) with a 17 inch LCD screen.
>>> But will it come to OZ ??
>>> Or is it just for the US education market ?
>>> I think it also mentioned that it is the best priced G4 also.
>> Are you kidding? Apple is going to push this puppy VERY hard in education.
>> At an Australian price of $1995, they are a pretty attractive machine.
>> Specially when you consider the possibility of network multiprocessing the
>> G4. (I am talking style)


Matthew Healey


Matthew Healey
Information Systems
Western Orthopaedic Clinic

Phone: +61 (08) 9489 8700
Fax: +61 (08) 9381 8300

Suite 213
25 McCourt Street
Subiaco 6008
Western Australia