Hello All:

I am having a weird experience with installing Indesign 2.0 for OSX and I 
am wondering if anyone has managed to accomplish this feat.

First, I am running 10.1.4 on a G4 T-powerbook. I am logged in as 

Usually, when you install something, the installer prompts you to enter in 
your admin password before it launches into the install. This was the case 
in Adobe and other products.

However with my copy of Indesign 2.0 (which is for OSX), it doesn't ask 
me this--instead it goes about the business of installing just as it would 
under OS9. Of course, during the install process I get an "access denied" 
error message, and when i click OK it tells me I don't have permissions to 
install this.

I have been on the phone with Apple and Adobe this morning, and neither 
have a solution. We have tried the following work arounds (without 

1. Log in a root user. Believe it or not, when I do this and attempt to 
install, the installer won't even run--claiming I need to be logged in as 
administrator to have the right permissions to install the program 

2. Create a new admin user, and try to install using their account. I had 
the same errors.

3. Custom install of product (as opposed to easy install). Resulted in 
same error.

4. Installing under OS9. Product installed, but then was unsuable due 
to "missing files" when attempting to use the application in OSX.

5. Restart the computer. Wish it to work. Log back in. Resulted in same 
error. (Not wishing hard enough?)

So I call out for suggestions, workarounds, comments? Particularly form 
those who have this installed.

Apple and Adobe asked me to contact them tomorrow and report any progress 
to them for their systems help.

Thanks in advance