P.S. Shay, what other improvements would you like to see in the next

* A system wide database for use by all applications, ala (on a small scale InternetConfig), BeOS, the Newton and upcoming versions of MS Windows. Only then will we be able to move towards the Knowledge Navigator concept Apple was espousing oh so many years ago!

* All Apple applications properly supporting file metadata (reading, not just writing), and a guideline directing all OS X developers to support metadata.

* A reviewing and fixing where necessary of the Mac OS X 'human' interface

* The return of the real Location Manager

* A Keychain which doesn't let everyone walk up to your computer and read your passwords

* Some form of control strip functionality, rather than putting dozens of icons in the menu bar, or the dock, or both!

* A realisation that because Unix did it that way 40 years ago doesn't mean Apple customers should have to put up with it today. People bought Macs because they wanted to do things differently (and more efficiently), not because they wanted to do everything the same way everyone else was doing it.

* Installers that don't delete your hard drive or photos (and that doesn't mean better QA, the problem is caused by a reliance on Unix tools and pathnames)

* Aliases that work

* Trashes that empty

* The ability to put files where I want to put them ("Oh, you didn't have the application 'blah' in the Applications folder on the boot drive? Too bad!")

Now, how many of those did we have in OS 9?

Have fun,
Shay (I'd ask for Avie's head on a pike, but there aren't enough to go around :)
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
Opinions for hire [POQ]