i'm using netscape emailer (part of netscape communicator 479) works
fine for me James

Phillip Arena wrote:
> Hi all, sorry about my following outburst, but I have to say, that if
> I were to list the most totally unintuitive software of all time, 5
> of my top 10 would be Outlook Express, the other 5 would be also be
> Microsoft products. Whenever, I am called to solve an issue with
> Microsoft products, I'm always thinking......."why the hell did they
> do it this way?".....or "...you've got to [EMAIL PROTECTED] joking!" "....I
> don't believe this! "etc etc.
> The moral of my story is my life has been so much more stress-free
> since I have discarded Microsoft.
> Regards
> Phil
> PS....I love Eudora.....it does what an Email app should do, send and
> receive email.
> --
> Phillip C. Arena PhD
now online with g4/450 power

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