On 15/5/02 7:25 AM, "Reg Whitely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Andrew and WAMUGgers
> In response to my question re Telstra satellite and OS X, Andrew wrote:
>> If he represents an organisation (e.g. a school) then it's quite
>> do-able. We've done it before.
> I've had these other responses too:
> Keith Lightbody:
>> We use ADSL at home but now have it into a 4-port Netgear Gateway router.
>> (bonus is Firewall feature helps protect our computer from hackers)
>> We run Mac or Windows computers off this no problem every day.
>> (works fine on Macs with OS 7, 8, 9 or X)
> Martin Levins:
>> The Windoze box is needed because there are no satellite cards for
>> Mac. >They're NT only
>> The NT is needed for connectivity only, once that is done, he can
>> connect as >many Macs as he wants, despite what Telstra tells you ;-)
> Leigh Finney
>> Interestingly enough there are drivers to support Linux. Linux is
>> Unix- OSX is >BSD Unix - If you can put up with the pain the drivers
>> could be configured via >the terminal to work on OSX.
> He is an individual but surely there must be a way to do it. He's
> eager to buy a machine but if he can't get definitive answer soon
> he'll go off and buy the PC box. I'm interested in the linux/unix
> suggestion. Could it be done through a router?
> What say you?
> Reg

I'm using satellite (one-way) through a small local ISP. The PCI card
supplied requires an Intel/AMD box. Drivers are supplied for various
flavours of Windows.

As it happens, the fellow(s) who run this ISP are Linux geeks and have
supplied the necessaries to have the computer/sat card run off RedHat. As it
happens, I had a not so flash PC (P233 MMX), so this became my
gateway/firewall connection. It serves as many Macs as I want to attach
running any recent Mac OS as well as OS X. (It would probably work for older
Mac OSes as well, but I haven't tried it.)

The guys in question said that they have configured super-cheap old PCs
(486, I think) to perform the same function. The software of course is free.

I am not touting using them for the satellite service itself, but they may
be able to assist with setting up a Linux box to use with the Telstra
service. I can supply contact details if requested.
