Does anyone have any experience with USB wireless (802.11b) adapters for
older Macs, like the first iMacs.

At home we have a Linksys access point and a PC (not mine) with a Linksys
wireless PCI card. But we also have a Graphite iBook 366MHz (OS 9.2 &
10.1.5) which I've found out that with an Airport card will work with the
Linksys AP <>

Now the only machine we need to check out is the Rev A iMac. All the USB
wireless adapters I've seen are only for Win 98/Me/2000.

Can you either

a) use an ethernet cable to plug the iBook into something else that's on the network (access point or whatever), or
b) Stick an airport card in the iBook?

You really want to avoid shunting ethernet over USB wherever possible, as you'll suffer a performance hit and be at the mercy of dodgy USB<->Ethernet drivers.

Good luck,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer It must be bunnies!
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