On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 06:38 PM, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:

> When I loaded Virtual PC 5 I could not find the disk image. Does
> anyone know if it is still there? I looked for an invisible file
> using Sherlock but could not identify it.

Look at the bottom of the Edit Menu for the settings for your current 
Virtual PC. When the Settings window opens click on "Disk 1", and click 
the "Choose..." button. This will show you where your active disk image 
is. Bear in mind that VPC 5 can have multiple Disk Images, and you can 
choose between them by setting up multiple Virtual PCs.

> I recently bought a PC CD which is not visible to VPC 5 but the Mac
> can see it, and it does run on a PC. Maybe it is just the crummy
> Windoze 98 SE which they give you with VPC 5. Maybe I should add
> another disk and load Windows 98 from the CD I got with version 2.1.
> I am told they no longer supply Windows CDs for fear it could be used
> on a PeeCee. Ha bloody ha!

Yes, I can see how that would be a huge concern. Of course! Let's 
see...I've just bought this second hand PC and I need a copy of Windows 
98. Why don't I just go out and spend twice the amount I would normally 
spend and buy a Windows emulator for a Macintosh, just so I can get the 
"free" copy of Windows that comes with it? I know I'll never use the 
emulator software, but boy, I've really put one over on Micro$oft :-)

Peter Hinchliffe
Apwin Computer Services FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, ::::::::::::::::::::::::
Western Australia Phone (618) 9332 6482 Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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