Attached you will find a copy of Ross's scripts for troublesome modems.

I don't know whether this will help. Forgotten what OS and Mac you are having
trouble with.
I have some other info also somewhere about disabling the
Low Carry disconnect function.

I might need to explain that bit to you. Effectively what it means is
that your
can sense if the Data Carrier signal goes low level, and then initiates a
Sometimes we can turn that function off by altering the modem script.

Also there is another function that can effect the modem.

When you start up, your compter speaks to the modem to set it up ready to
connect and dial on the line.
After the connection is made, the computer only requires the modem to onforward
the info
but the computer still needs to be able to initiate a disconnection
The disconnection command is a group of 3 plus signs in a row.
If i send that here it could initiate you to disconnect. There is a special
guard circuit in the
modem that is supposed to stop it recognising
signals similar to the disconnect pluses.
which might occur in your text messages

The suspicion is that your modem is not guarding as good as it should.

Welll that's the theory anyway,
Meanwhile check this lot out and see how you make out.

Have Fun

Bob Howells

Neil Houghton wrote:

> I posted on this subject back in February, recap:
> > I have a problem that is erratic but seems to be increasing in frequency?
> > When on the net or collecting email I keep getting disconnected.