This sounds like the easiest option, I am in East Fremantle and could
probably collect all 10 in the my toyota Personnel carrier if a single
location to work on them can be arranged.
On Monday, July 29, 2002, at 02:45 PM, themenubar wrote:
I can't help as I am interstate at the moment, but could I suggest that
people get together where the machines are for a mini meeting / social
function / morning or afternoon tea / drinks and every one do them on
together that way it will get done quicker and nobody will need to have
pick up and than bring back the machines.
On 29/7/02 4:43 PM, "John Currie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mr Tony Trilling of the Booragoon Lions Club has been in touch
some 10 or so Macs that have been donated for despatch to Timor.
They need checking out to see that they are functioning and have at
Claris works on so the kids can do word processing.
If you can help let me know .
Probably the best way would be to pick up one or two machines ( they
are in
the Melville area) and check them out at home. Alternatively I could
possibly deliver to South of the river addresses .
Please let me know by email ASAP
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