FYI After a good deal of mucking around, my connection with iinet is up and zooming. At 256k a 10Mb file took around 12 minutes to download.

Iinet have had some major problems with Mac connections and after my initial attempts at connection they suggested I bring the modem back in to have it re-configured for OS8.6. This done, I once again attempted connection and authorization of the go! each time i connected the DSL300 modem my browser experienced long delays at every move. I decided to go for the $80. home installation today. The man was quite lost with the browser problem and after rescripting the modem etc etc he loaded software onto the iMac instead of to the modem. It would seem that I will probably not be charged the home setup fee due to the modem problems.

So, it is working very nicely. He was able to navigate around the Mac reasonably well but did say that everyone at iinet was more supportive of the Windows environment and probably hadn't the time to get really well acquainted with the 5% of their market. Another factor he mentioned was that Macs generally do run better and demand less attention.

Never-the-less I am a satisfied iinet customer and have had a couple of years of good telephone support when needed.


Kevin Lock