Hi WAMUGgers

The team at Apple Perth need your help.

We have a long standing tradition of having the most successful roadshow in the country, in terms of both numbers registered and actual attendance at the roadshow. Not per Capita - I'm talking actual numbers!

To date, whilst our numbers look good, we are being beaten by Sydney and Melbourne. So could I ask, if you are intending to attend, and have not yet registered, could you please do so. I also encourage you to invite friends, family and work collegues to attend, and get them to register also. As always, the roadshow will be something special - and it is a good opportunity to get non-Mac people to see the best of Apple.

This is not a plea to just register people for the sake of numbers - if you can't make it, that's OK, don't register, but if you might be attending, then do register. And don't register dead people either (its not an election). We want to know the real number of people coming, and we want as many people there as possible (Burswood holds 2500 people).

To make it easy for you, here's where to register - http://www.apple.com.au/seminars/macosx/

Looking forward to seeing you at the roadshow

Karl Videmanis
Business Development Manager WA