Has anyone else had a problem with using Palm Sync since upgrading to 
10.2 ?...

I am using a Palm IIIx and have had no problems for quite a while using 
older versions of System 10... I have just tried to Sync using my 
recently installed 10.2 and it does nothing other than tell me it could 
not connect and to check my settings which I have and they appear to be 
OK... (I am using Palm Desktop 4)... on a G4/867/384

I have checked for any updates to Palm software wince OS-10.2 but there 
appears to be nothing newer that Palm Desktop 4.

I am not keen on scrapping things and starting again as when I have 
tried this approach in the past it has caused me nightmares, cold 
sweats and sleepless nights... I understand just enough about all of 
this to be a danger to myself...

Any ideas would be much appreciated...

Thanks in hope,


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