Found the maker and model number:
CD-ROM drive
Driver version 1.3.5
Revision NO 8.0h
Product ID CD-ROM CR-8008

Searched for MATSHITA and ended up on the Panasonic site but could 
not find details for CR-8008.

However, I did find an article on another site, an extract being:
Gateway phasing out CD-ROMs, CRTs
By Michael Kanellos
Special to ZDNet News
October 15, 2002, 5:13 AM PT
Buyers will get a discount if they choose to switch an LCD screen for 
a standard monitor, but most customers generally go with the standard 
configurations shown on the Web page and in Gateway Country Stores.

The shift from CD-ROM drives and CRTs has been taking place slowly 
but surely across the industry. Most computer companies have largely 
phased out CD-ROMs in favor of CD-RWs, offering CD-ROMs only in the 
cheapest models.

Could this mean my CD-ROM will not read rewritable disks unless 
changed to a CD-RW drive?


At 11:17 AM +0800 3/11/02, Bob Howells wrote:
>Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion Bob. Tried it but no joy.
>> Maybe my CD-ROM drive is too old for read-write CDs -
>You may be right ! Use Apple System Profiler to see if you
>can establish it's make and model number, then try for info
>from the makers's Support area.
>> or is there a
>> driver update that might fix it?
>> Merv
>> At 8:06 PM +0800 2/11/02, Bob Howells wrote:
>> >Try pressing Apple, Option and I
>> >which may mount it on the desktop
>> >
>> >Bob
>> >
>> >Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:
>> >
>> >> My machine is a PowerMac Performa 6400 running OS 9.0.4.
>> >>
>> >> A RW disc burnt on Toast on an iMac was given to me to read and my
>> >> machine could not "see" it, that is, no icon appeared on the Desk
>> >> Top. Ordinary read only disks can be seen without any bother.
>> >>
>> >> Any thoughts please?
>> >>
>> > > Merv
> > --
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must 
also believe in order to see." 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]