Here's a story which I hope will make your day, as it did mine.

Friends of mine bought a Quadra 605 on my suggestion and after considerable research waaaaaaay back in about 1995.

Since then they've had two children and a mortgage and all those sorts of things, and of course their needs have changed. In addition, the Internet has become a Big Thing and web sites have gone from being very basic to being all-singing, all-dancing and using plenty of multimedia content.

Throughout all this, to its credit, the Quadra 605 was and is still doing all the things it was purchased to do!

However my friends decided it was time for an upgrade. They did considerable research and eventually settled on buying an eMac. Here is the email they sent me today after they got their Mac last night from the reseller and went home and unpacked it...


Well what can I say !!!

It flies Š. Too coolŠ..

Yes we have our new computer and connected it all up, easy as, and yes it is very different but also strangely familiar. The look and feel is like velvet as opposed to a PC which is more clinical. I have an excellent Pentium 4 at work on Windows XP & Office 2002, all networked and the eMac is just as good, if not better (still working things out) but with smoother graphics and brighter colours.

Last night being the parents we are we went to ABC Bananas in Pyjamas web site (did not take long to get set-upŠ.. clickŠ.clickŠclick) and tried to play a game. We knew we had to download software for it, and in an instant we were doing this. That done we installed it and played the game, all in 20 minutes of going on line. So within 30 minutes of setting up we had fixed a problem that has been a bugbear for all for months and in the past has taken days of fiddling to get only half the similar result.

(I'm an Apple advert)

We then started loading CD's etc which was way cool and the story will continue ŠŠ

PS We did play with idea of going PC partly due to money and partly due to software but my passion for Mac's was reignited last night and the wait has been worth it!! Did NOT want to go to work today!!

(Apple free promo here)


Can't get over how good the machine is. It has everything and I haven't started playing games yet or trying to use much on it yet.

PPPS I will probably blab like this for days .......

PPPPS Will Apple pay me if I keep rabbiting on like this ???


Andrew Nielsen <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Starfish Technologies Pty Ltd <>
ACN 076 426 714 / ABN 49 426 849 601 Tel: 0500 555 677
Consultants in Unix, Mac OS, Windows & networking technologies