On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 09:49, Thomas Samson wrote:
> Hope again for mail
> Can any one else suggest why my internal modem , that is not connected, 
> keeps kicking my bigpond adsl modem off line.
> iMac333 OS10.1.5 using OSXmail

If your internal modem is not connected to anything, it is not kicking
your adsl modem off line.

Something else is. Again, I am yet to be convinced that this is the
case. In ADSL terms "kicking off" generally means one of two things:
either the hardware connection is being disconnected - you'll notice the
line sync light blinking - or the ADSL client software - generally
PPPoE, but not always - failing to connect, or being disconnected by the
other side, or disconnecting of its own volition.

With the information you have provided, I am not able to assist further.

I *strongly* suggest that you contact your ISP, given that you are
paying them for a service.
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