On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 11:58, Callum Prior wrote:
> From the terminal window "./bin/mysql -u root -p"
> And at the mysql> prompt "show databases"
> Wherein I get two listings "mysql" and "test", which as far as I can tell
> from the article means all's well and good.


The password that you entered, was it actually set, or was it blank, eg.
did prior to the mysql> prompt appearing you respond to a password:

The reason I ask, is that the root user inside MySQL is *not* the same
as the root user in your operating system. They just happen to have the
same name...

> In regards to the config.in.php file I've done the following:

[..good settings deleted..]

> Changed
> $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
> To
> $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';

No, my settings are 'config'

> The user string is set to 'root' and I've entered my password on the
> password string.

Again, the password string for the root user, or the password string for
the MySQL database root user. They may be the same, but likely are not.
In fact most default installs don't have a root password for the
database until you set it.

> Of course. I don't understand anything I've just said. :)

Sure you do, you're adding the right words in the right place, but you
think there is more to it than there really is...

> Just though it might be a lark to learn something new/extend my ability with
> Dreamweaver. It's my first time using the terminal/php/mysql.

Yay - go Callum!

> As at the time of writing this I haven't been able to access
> <http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql> to check the documentation to
> see if I could work it out for myself.

Nah, mysql.org is the place to go, or php.net, even the wamug list :-)
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