Hi, I am having a problem trying to install the "iMovie Plugin Pack 2.1.1" into 
my iMac. I have OSX .2 and iMovie 2.1.2 installed and have been trying very 
unsuccessfully to install the iMovie plug in pack.

I have followed both sets of instructions for installing the plug in pack that 
came with the download, from the Apple iMovie web sight. They refer to 
iMovie versions 2.1.1 and 2.1. I presume the 2.1.1 instructions would be the 
most compatible with my version 2.1.2. 

On the OSX hard disk I have gone Home>Library>created an "iMovie" folder>
created a Plug-ins folder. Then I have dragged the uncompressed "iMovie 
Plugin Pack 2.1 folder into the Plug-ins folder.

That is supposed to be it . But when I open iMovie the new effects, 
transitions, titles etc are not there!

I have noticed that every time it try to drag the foder into Plug-ins that the 
arrow is showing and no matter what I do the original folder won't move. I 
have also tried placing the "smi" folder into Plug-ins and opening it there, to 
see if the decompressed folder will stay in the Plug-ins folder, no it opens up 
on the desktop. 

No matter which way I do it, I can't get the effects etc onto iMovie. Does 
anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong?


Matt Falvey