Note that article was created two and a half years ago and would have been before higher-throughput Oxford 911 interfaces were available for external firewire drives. Notice for example that the article mentions G4s as only having an ATA-66 bus for IDE drives but today's G4s have ATA-100 as the main bus. I don't think the modification date on the article of 12/13/02 means they properly updated the article for today's situation, so I think most users will be pretty safe running modern Firewire drives on modern Macs for video capture. Certainly our experience has been positive.

Anyone had any contrary experience?


At 8:11 AM +0800 17/12/02, Bob Howells wrote:
Worth a Read :-

From Macintouch:

(Apple says they are still testing Firewire Drives )

Apple's Knowledge Base article on hard drives for Final Cut Pro warns
against using FireWire drives for real-time video capture, recommending
SCSI LVD drives and some Ultra ATA/EIDE drives instead.


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