Hiya all,

Something I just saw on another email list. The amount of equipment and 
infrastructure that goes into these activities sure is amazing.

Does anyone on here know anything more about Wayne Mansfield, the Perth spammer?


>I just stumbled across an article from a few weeks ago that's 
>absolutely brilliant!
>It's to do with a very successful U.S.-based spammer that has earned 
>enough from his activities to recently build a large home for himself. 
>The original article, by the Detroit Free Press, is here:
>Needless to say, SlashDot got all over this one within a matter of 
>Now - here's the good bit - another article in the Detroit Free Press, 
>with the spammer complaining that he is now being flooded with 
>advertising e-mail and snail mail:
>(That page has two other unrelated but interesting articles on it 
>The best summary for the whole affair is the Ars Technica article, 
>complete with user comments that tend to be more interesting than their 
>SlashDot counterparts:


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