My joy with my iMac, OSX10.2, Classic and OS9.2.2 is diminishing.

OS9 was freezing after startup so yesterday, Friday, I did a clean install of just the System.

Two questions

1. Today, in OSX 10.2 I tried to burn a disk but "disk burn" in the File menu of the Finder was not active.

I then used the dialogue box, that becomes active after inserting a blank CD, to toggle through to Disk Burner in the Utilities folder of OS9's Application folder. However, when selected as the application to use a message appeared saying that Classic does not support Disk Burner. I thought I had used it before from the File menu - was I dreaming? If not, how do I reactivate it in the OSX-Classic environment?

2.      Should I remove/bin the folder "Previous System"?

Advice please.

"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must also believe in order to see."