On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 16:12, Sojourn wrote:
> As a switcher, I'm not sure what files I need to backup on my mac. Obviously
> all my own documents and pictures etc but what else? Where do I find
> Entourage mail , addresses etc ; settings for other stuff,

In my opinion, it is far more effective to backup your *whole* system.
While this may mean more in the way of backup resources, it also means
that all your preferences, bookmarks, installed applications, window
locations and other settings you just take for granted are restored to
their personalised condition in the event of a system failure.

It is my experience that the average user largely under-estimates the
time/energy/effort/frustration it takes to recover a system where only
the data files have been backed up.

Finally, your backup application can likely do incremental backups, only
backing up those files that have changed since the last backup.

It is good practice to complete a full backup each week and an
incremental one each day. This does depend on the value of your data and
the loss you incur in the time it takes to recover/restore/reconstruct
after any system failure.

While this is by no means a complete run-down on your considerations, I
think it's enough to wet your appetite...

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