Yes in stock and on our site at -

On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 03:57 PM, Gordon Morris wrote:

I have seen these little plugin storage devices that go into a usb port
in computer mags. Called flash drives or something like that.

Would these work to transfer files from a windows to a mac machine?
Where can you buy them?

You can burn cds but that time consuming and wasteful if you need to
move files often.

My daughter has her book on the pc in her room, but can only access the
internet [one user adsl] on the mac. Yes, I guess you could network
...but ten miles of blue cable from one room to another ...and I HAVE
NO CLUE HOW ..and my dodgy PC might corrupt my nice imac.

These "thumb drives" work well on PC with Windows 2000 and XP. Windows
9x needs to have drivers installed first (of course!). You can format
them as well. So if you did that (format) first on your PC and plugged
it into the mac, the mac should "see it" as a PC disk. Drag and drop.
I think I have seen Keith Palmer advertise these - but the going price
is about $1/megabyte from most PC shops.


Keith Palmer
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