I just read this off a website <http://www.looprumors.com/> and thought it was quite interesting,...makes sense really.


kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Hello LoopRumors,

I just wanted to toss a "thought" (or two) your way.

1. M$ would love to own 100% of the browser market share. This way they can justify placing hooks into IE in order to sell their server and development .net services and software. In essence, eventually, controlling html's future and the future of the web. Hijacking what was once open and usable on any platform. "Oh, you don't use IE? Oh, then you can't buy from our site, it' won't work... oh I'm sorry, it needs to be IE on a Windows system." Safeway.com is a perfect example. So hold this thought until #3.

2. So Apple launches Safari. Mac folk have a new boasting tool. It's
fast, easy, fun to use and minimalistic. Great. But is this Safari's only goal? Why spend RnD on Safari if it is A. Free, and B. Is not like iLife, in that it is not a compelling reason to buy a Mac. Should there
not be another goal on the horizon for Safari to financially justify
building it? Hold this thought until #3.

3. Safari goes Gold Master at WWDC in a few months from now. In early summer, Apple launches another salvo, announcing Safari for Windows. Is it as fast as the Mac OS X version? Not quite. Does it have all the
great Quartz stuff like the OS X version? Not really. However, Safari
takes IE head on on the PC, and gives Windows users, for the first time since 1803, the ability of having a viable alternative to IE. Even if only 1 of 20 Windows users give Safari a shot, M$ has just lost 5% of the Windows browser market. Not good for M$ .net world domination.

4. Add to this that some Windows users (more every day) have an iPod. 1 out of 20 Windows users start using Safari because it just works - it's
cool, and fast, etc... How many of those people are that much more
likely to, as Apple would say, switch? Much more I would gather.
While Safari is a defensive move for Apple to become less dependent on M$ for survival, I believe it will be another iPod salvo aimed squarely at the Windows platform.


--end snip--

Daniel Kerr
Phone: 0414 795 960

**For everything Macintosh**