
I am looking for some additional RAM for a 450Mhz iMac. (OS RoM 4.6-1,
running 9.2). At present it has a DIMMO/J13 64Mb card. I could do with 128
or 256Mb? does anyone have RAM for a machine like this they wish to part
with and how much?

Please reply off line, or Call me on 0403 235938 anytime.


Beneath Southern Skies
Jon Davison & Tom Allibone
A celebration of 100 years of Australian Aviation
€ 272 page coffee-table book case-bound
€ Interviews throughout
€ Images by aviation photographer Jon Davison
€ Archival section
€ For release August 2003
€ URL <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au/southern.html>
€ Published by Lothian Books
€ <http://www.lothian.com.au>
€ Produced by ESP <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au

Jon Davison. WA (photography & production)
Tel: + 61 8 9380 6508
Mob: 0403 235938

Tom Allibone. Qld (Interviews & Marketing)
Tel: + 61 7 3277 6566
Mob: 0413 147313

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