Just typing this email from the middle of the room from my new MS Bluetooth keyboard - yes no wires, no infared.

The setup took 2 mins to unpack thje keyboard and mouse and insert batteries and then about 5 secs for the Bluetooth assistant to find both the keyboard and mouse and pair to them.

OK so who wants one or is it two .... you get a multi-button optical mouse in the deal.

You also get a book for Windows XP users on how to get the thing to work ..... it's a shame Mac users don't get a book because you don't need one. The silly thing is this keyboard was made expressly for Win XP users but the setup on a Mac really is just as a simple as described. The very hardest thing was opening the battery door on the mouse.

..... and you get a Microsoft USB Bluetooth adapter which I haven't tried because the Zytech one works just fine, is about half (or more like one third) the size and has a 40 metre range ....... I'll need a larger screen from back here.

Keith Palmer
Zytech Marketing Pty Ltd
PO Box 342 Bunbury 6231
Phone: 08 9791 5556 Fax: 08 9791 5900
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