> What is the fastest mobile phone to transfer data?
>I am sitting here on Rottnest working for a client with my TiBook and a
>Nokia 6210 

Hi David

Try looking at this site for some answers - I am not sure what all of it
means but it should enable you to get the best out of the 6210 and your
TiBook - how are they connected? Infrared? -then you are also limited by
this transfer rate.


This guy Ross Barker has a load of scripts - some of them work very well to
avoid disconnects as well when using a landline.

I went back to them to look at ways of connecting my 6310i via Bluetooth and
am playing with the scripts etc there to see what works well.

Certain issues are GPRS and HCSCD, this later apparently helps speed things
up as well.

It may also be worth checking this site out http://www.novamedia.de/
although I have not yet utilised this.

Anyway, the main issue, as Phil pointed out, is that you need to upgrade to
the 6310i which is GPRS/HSCSD compatible as well as infrared and Bluetooth.
I seem to recall that my 6210 only offered infrared. The only Nokia CDMA is
the 6385 which looks identical other than colour scheme and a little
external aerial - which incidentally is a dummy one - some law or other

Both the sites above purport to support CDMA, TDMA, and all those other
acronyms - at least people are moving away from TLA's (three letter
abbreviations) - maybe they've run out which is why they are now all 4 or 5
letter abbreviations - anyway, meandering off-topic there :-)

I am still playing with Ross's scripts to work everything out, however you
will also need to talk to both your mobile line provider (Optus seem to be
pretty up on all this) and your ISP (Highway 1 should be up to speed as
well) to make sure that they support the relevant types.

Hope some of this helps in one way or another, either you or somebody else

All the best


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