Michael Hawkins:
>I've been an iinet subscriber for over 7 years. Service was fine until 10
>March this year. Since then it has been terrible. I am a Bliink subscriber.
>More often than not I can't upload or down load. When iinet bother to reply
>to emails to support, there is as one wamugger has said, a formulaic
>response. Often iinet says that it is a mtu problem. That's specious. Ping
>and trace route packet sizes are 40 or 50 bytes or thereabouts, thus are
>considerably less than the 1432 byte or whatever it is mtu that iinet
>recommends, yet this week ping and trace route speeds have been as slow as
>This from a computer located in 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth. The heart of
>the CBD.

With my Telstra problems, I found writing directly to the managing 
director got me directly to people who could act on my problems. The 
Cc to my local federal pollie also helped. I few weeks ago, I 
circlated details of a broadband task force set up by the State govt. 
See below. Hence, contacting your state pollie would also help.

At 9:50 PM +0800 6/3/03, Rob Phillips wrote:
>there is a task force run by The Allen Group looking at broadband 
>access in metropolitan Perth for the state Govt. See below. I 
>attended a meeting last night about this issue, and there are a few 
>horror stories out there - not just in Wanneroo, although we seem 
>pretty extreme.
>In case some of you don't know about the project the Allen Group is 
>doing, I thought I'd let you know. Although they are focussing on 
>business needs, I am sure they would listens to anyone's problems. 
>Their contact number is below. I reckon telling your local and 
>state MP would also be a good idea. Maybe even telling them that 
>some of the services (at least satellite) are not available to Macs.
>The Allen Group also has a questionnaire about benefits of and 
>hindrances to broadband access (availability vs cost). I wanted to 
>forward the questionnaire to the group until I read the fine print 
>at the bottom ;-(. Contact them if you want to contribute to their 


Failing this, try
Australian Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
[my problems were resolved before I needed to do this...]

You could als o try

Australian Telecommunications Users Group

Dr Rob Phillips, Senior Lecturer, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Room 4.38 Teaching and Learning Centre, Library North Wing
Murdoch University, Murdoch, 6150, Perth, AUS
Phone: +61 8 9360 6054  Mobile: 0416 065 054

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]