On Wed, 2003-04-30 at 10:14, Matthew Healey wrote:
> Without going into the legality or morality of what you are doing.... 

Running the risk of being deluged here, but I do need to ask the
following question:

"Why are you not going into the legality or morality?"

The reason I ask this is because as President of WAMUG you have IMHO the
responsibility to (be seen to be) above reproach.

While I understand that this is a really big and grey area, I do feel
that this is an important distinction; important enough for me to risk
being bombarded by email in response.

For those of you commenting, can I *please* ask, that if you feel the
need to reply, please send it to *either* the WAMUG list, or to me
direct, but not both!

Crossing my fingers, I'll get back in my box.

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