Background :

* Lombard 333MHz, 320MB RAM, OS 10.2.5 & 9.2.2 (separate partitions)

I installed iTunes 4, followed by 2 items from Software Update (the exact items I cannot recall at this point.)

I reboot and it falls out to the command line prompt (#) after a line about the ethernet port being up.

I looked around the Apple KBase and did everything there (Privs / Drive Utils from the OS 10.2 CD, fsck at the prompt) - still falls over at the same point.

Anyone recommend the next step?

I'm finding the more I play with OS X, the more I break it, the harder it seems to fix and the more I wish I had a new G4 ;)

Cheers, Antony.

= = =
= Antony N. Lord = =
= [EMAIL PROTECTED] = Perth, Western Australia =
= = =