I just tried it with IE and Safari - it Works good!

In Macintouch Sunday 4.5.03

Mac OS X users who want PDF documents to load directly into their
internet browsers know that Adobe's browser plug-in, "PDFViewer",
doesn't work, even with the latest 5.1 version of Acrobat Reader. (Yes,
when you click a PDF link, Reader5.1 will auto-start and load the linked
document, but this is slow and clunky, and leaves a downloaded copy of
the doc on your disk.)
The solution is Manfred Schubert's "PDF Browser Plugin 1.1.1".
He has one plug-in that works with Internet Explorer (72K download),
and another (192K download) that works with other browsers (I tested
with Navigator and Safari). Put the plug-in in your Library/Internet
Plug-ins/ folder and restart your browser. (In IE, you have to set your
"preferences: helpers" to use the plug-in for PDFs before restarting the
browser). The rendering is accurate and very fast.

Robert Loss