I am running MacOS 10.2.1 and would like to upgrade to 10.6, but like
Tony Cockbain (ref Sleep & G4 PowerBook 11 May) my prospects of
successfully downloading large items are poor. So, I am also interested
in hearing from any WAMUGer who can supply the updates on CD.

In fact, I can hardly ever download more than 15MB without being
disconnected. My dialup connection is restricted to about 28k because of
inadequate Telstra cabling. On top of that, iinet is either terminating
or not answering about half the time. I am looking into broadband and
alternative ISPs, but Whirlpool comments are not all that encouraging at
this time.

Can anyone help?

Vlad James
(08) 9295 6440 or 0402 477 222