On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 11:04PM, Greg Hosking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>well, iinet, too late
>I have recently closed my iinet account in favour of tpg.com.au
>I now pay $17 a month instead of $40, (unlimited time & downloads), i 
>can connect whenever i dial and i don't get a dozen penis-enlargement 
>spams every day.
>For the record it took about 80 minutes from entering my payment 
>details on the website to using my new account.

Speaking of TPG, I have just signed up for their unlimited ADSL service. They 
have already sent a couple of emails letting me know how far they are in 
getting ADSL up and running. Hopefully I will see my ADSL modem in the post 
within the next few days. I'll keep the list posted on how it goes! BTW, TPG do 
not offer technical support for Macs, so be aware! Considering the dramas 
people are having with iiNet ADSL, it will be very interesting to see how TGP's 
service stacks up!


(Who is hanging out to be back in the land of broadband!)