Whoever named the Bliink series of accounts "Bliink" must have been in the
Mine rarely works.

I sent an email yesterday (Wednesday) because I could not conect using my
Bliin 256 account. The green adsl link light was out. I tried unplugging the
modem for a couple of minutes and rebooting the computer. The problem
remained. I logged on using dial-up and checked the faults page, but no fault
was reported. No fault has since been reported in iinet's fault emails. I have
not had a reply to my email. The same problem hapened again a couple of times
today. This is most unsatisfactory.

I have asked inet respond to yesterday's email and this email by fax,and said
that failure to do so will indicate to me that iinet is either not prepared to
or not able to provide a reliable isp service to me.
Service has been appalling since 10 March and iinet has not done anything to
effectively redress the situation.

Does anyone know the address of the organisation that I can complain to? 

Michael Hawkins.