On Mon, 2003-05-19 at 18:54, hank_mirtl wrote:
> I've just had an IDSN line installed by Telstra since adsl or sattelite is 
> not 
> availible here. The tecki only installed the line but ew nothing about 
> connecting to my superdrive G4. I'm connected but still download at slow K's. 
> can anyone tell me what I've done wrong. My ISP optus tells me that I need 
> an ISDN account to gain the benefits of ISDN. this was not the case when I 
> contacted Telstra.


Let me attempt to help here. I'll try to be gentle, but please read the
whole message before jumping...

An ISDN line and a "tecki" implies that something was installed at your
location. I'm *guessing* that this means a box was fitted to your wall.
This is likely a Terminal Adapter or TA. All it does is makes the line

As for physically connecting the SuperDrive G4, you need to have another
box, an ISDN modem that translates between your Mac and the TA.

To make it worse - I just saw Trevor's mail land in my box - you also
need to actually establish a connection to an ISP, eg. dial a phone
number over ISDN, and have an account at the ISP as well.

As Trevor points out, you'll be paying for a timed call and for your ISP
account. In some cases I believe that you'll also be paying for data
that travels across the wire in addition to these costs.

There are times when this is cheaper than any alternative.

I'm not aware of your specific circumstances, so I'm phrasing very
carefully here, but it does not look to me that this is one of those
times that it will be cheaper - be aware, that my Internet needs are
likely different from yours and it may well be that you don't spend 7
hours online of a day.

Now, I do have a question.

You stated that satellite was "not available here".

While this is entirely possible, it's in my experience not very likely
to be (entirely) correct.

So before I bruise you any more, let me ask - very gently - why you
believe that satellite is not available.

Please - I hope you're still with us here - let me tell you that I
really feel for you and I really hope that the solution you've just had
installed is the right one - but I'm sitting here holding my breath and
crossing my fingers.

Kind regards,

Onno Benschop 

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