Tut Tut!!!

The solution to me is obvious, but I must ask the question.

Why would a company that builds (in this persons view) such crummy computers
supply such magnificent software?

I wonder if this person has ever seen a Mac or used one, me thinks not!

On 29/5/03 4:14 PM, "Phillip McGree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Windows XP user mad at Apple; wants his iTunes Music Store
> Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - 09:07 AM EDT
> We received an email this morning from a Windows XP user, Michael P., that we
> feel sheds some light on how some Windows PC users feel about Apple. Here is
> the email in its entirety:
> "To be perfectly honest, I don't understand why anybody would buy an Apple
> computer. It is non-standard (everybody uses Windows) and proprietary. Also,
> it seems to me that Apple is very desperate to sell computers, so much so that
> they will withhold products that many would want by making them "Apple-only,"
> in a bid to force people to buy an Apple in order to use these products."
> "I am a music fan. Yes, I wanted an iPod when it first came out, but it was
> Apple-only, of course. So, I bought a Nomad Jukebox for use with my Windows
> system. But, still, it was obvious that the iPod was better, and I kept my eye
> on them over time, so when Apple finally gave up and made a Windows version, I
> got my new iPod only to find out that I was stuck with MusicMatch software and
> not iTunes."
> "At this point, I would like to make it clear that I want a Windows XP version
> of iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iChat, iDVD, Sherlock - yes, I've been all over
> Apple's site - these applications look great, but I can't find versions of
> them that run on Windows! Why would Apple bother to create all of these
> applications and not make versions that will run on 99% of the world's
> computers?!"
> "Instead, Apple would force me to buy an Apple computer to run these programs.
> Why is Apple so insecure? Why do they need to try to force sales of Apples?
> Obviously, nobody is buying them or they wouldn't have to try to make
> Apple-only reasons to try to force sales of computers."
> "Which comes down to the reason I am writing: The iTunes Music Store. Why
> can't I buy songs on my Dell running Windows XP? What kind of a company would
> open a store that only 1% can shop? It's worse than opening a store catering
> only to left-handers - there's many times more left-handers in the world than
> there are Apple computer users! This is ridiculous!!!"
> "I would love to use my iPod with iTunes and the Music Store, but I cannot.
> All because Apple can't seem to sell computers and they are trying to force
> people to buy Apples. Why limit all of these applications and services to a
> tiny, insignificant speck of the market? Why not offer them to the majority
> standard platform and create Windows versions, so the rest of the world can
> use them, too?"
> "In closing, here I sit wanting to spend money at the Apple iTunes Music
> Store, wanting to run iTunes, iMovie and the rest (I'd even PAY for them), but
> I cannot. Apple needs to provide a solution for millions and millions of
> computer users like me! You can print this if you want and I'm sending this to
> Apple as well. Thank you."
> - Michael P.