
As some of you may remember I recently asked for Mac OS 7 software to get
this antique running.

Thanks to Warren I have a Mac OS 7.6 CD which starts the machine. This has
presented another problem.

The hard disk is not showing on the desktop. According to Mactracker the
machine has a SCSI HD of 80 - 160 MB.

I can see a hard drive behind the removable back panel but cannot work out
how to remove it (short if dismantling the entire machine), also I am unsure
as to what I should look for in relation to why the hard disk is not

I tried using disk utility on the CD and was told that it could not detect
an SCSI drives!!

Any ideas as to what might be going on, and what I might be able to do to
get it working.

Thanks in advance.

Daniel F.