
Sounds very much like a problem I had with an earlier version of MS
Word. It turned out after investigation that it was a security
problem in the earlier versions of Word but was fixed in versions
after Word 98.

Has the file some how gone through a Word 98 or earlier program? If
so go and have a look at the following web page which explains it

Dave Watkins

At 6:20 PM +0800 6/6/03, Bill Parker wrote:
> Here's a challenging question - I think.
> I am using MS Word 2001 for the Macintosh. I receive all manner of
> Word docs from all over Australia and NZ, normally without problem.
> Recently I have been writing a couple of largish business
> plans/agreements with two colleagues. In one case - the agreement, I
> was setting up a TOC and tidying it up. Saved it and noticed that it
> was 1500K - way too big for a 28 pp document. Opened it up in
> BBEditLite and found an absolute mass of garbage, two repetitions
> of the text complete with all the track changes that had been made
> over some months.
> No matter what I did (except to save as a Text file and then do all
> the style re-setting over), no re-saves would reduce the size nor
> get rid of the garbage.
> Sent it to one colleague who uses a late version of Word on a PC.
> Got it back, still contains some remnants of garbage but now down to
> 132K.
> Is there something the are missing? Failing to do? Is one of my
> colleagues' machine doing a corruption? Is this symptomatic of
> conflicts between older versions of Word and crossing PC-MAC
> platforms?
> Bill
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