On 2003-06-11 12:58, "Mark Secker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A quick question to the gallery.
> I know that the early G4 powerbooks could be used closed with an
> external monitor basically close lid then click external USB mouse
> and the external screen becomes your main/only screen.
> Has this changed with later Powerbooks I have both my 1Ghz PowerBook
> and a work colleagues 867Mhz (same era) and can not get it to work.
> Have tried setting video mirroring (just incase that was a forgotten
> step) but basically it seems that once the lids closed that's it it
> ignores the mouse totally and is totally asleep just like the G3
> PowerBooks.

I've got an external CRT display and USB mouse plugged into a 12" PowerBook
G4. I just tried it: closed lid (hence putting computer to sleep), clicked
mouse randomly a few times, and it woke up and transferred the menu bar to
the external display.

The screens were not mirroring each other, but I don't imagine it'd make
much difference. Shame I don't have an external keyboard, or it might
actually be useful hehe.

Just something anybody trying this might like to note: make sure that the
PowerBook has excellent ventilation if you use it with the lid closed for
any length of time. I have a vague nightmarish memory of people reporting
melted keys and distorted screens from all the trapped heat. Probably more
nontrivial with the Aluminium models.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go move all these Photoshop palettes back
to the correct screens ;)


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A. More.