HI Mart

So this software will allow me to use my DV as webcam?


Following on - si this audio as well as visual?


And taking it a step further can I use it for 2 way communcation with a PC?

If you want 2-way video conferencing, you're better off using a program that is designed for it like CU-SeeMe or OhphoneX or Squidcam:

We wanna talk to our rellies in the UK :-)

Cool. With something like OhphoneX your rellies could use NetMeeting on their PC.

Thank you


Martin Hill mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Multimedia Consultant http://is.curtin.edu.au/eot/
Educational & Online Technologies, Information Services, Curtin University Mobile: 0417-967-969 wk: (08)9266-3101 Fax: (08)9266-3826