Hi HGriffiths,

I'm afraid MicroShaft™ deliberately cripple mac versions of software 
such as this to make Windoze PCs look better. It wouldn't be hard for 
them to fix, but they couldn't care less. Another case in point is 
Windows Media Player, which they *heavily* push to the music and media 
companies as a secure way to distribute content, yet they are too lazy 
assed to get Windows Media up to scratch on anything other than recent 
versions of Windoze. (eg try looking at NHL video clips on a mac - not 
possible 'cos the player won't play them) Hence I try really hard not 
to use anything microsoft and support their endless quest to crush the 

Anyway, the good news is there *are * alternatives which work on both 
PC and Mac whic you can get your family to use. Here are some 

(1) Download ispQ 
(<http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/11619>) which you 
can pay for once you check it works. Then your family can simply 
download icq for PC and use that instead of MSN messenger.

(2) Yahoo messenger has video conferencing for mac and PC. Download the 
mac version and get your family to use it instead. 

(3) Squidcam also has a version for both mac and PC (you didn't say 
whether you are using OS X - this program works for OS X only on the 
Mac or windows) <http://www.squidsoft.com/squidcam/download.cfm>. Some 
mac users swear by this program.

(4) iVisit is available on both PC and Mac. 

(5) OhPhoneX <http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/18544> 
is a mac OS X program that lets you video chat with pcs with netMeeting 
installed (a free microsoft program that your family should have 

(6) There are other alternatives, such as CUSeeMe but they're not free 
and your PC family would also need to buy it.

I hope this was of some help. If any of the links don't work, go to 
<www.versiontracker.com> and you can do a search for them - they're all 
available from there.


David Choy

On Monday, June 23, 2003, at 03:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Message: 19
> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 05:35:54 -0000
> From: "hgriff_hotmail_com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: internet based communication
> Hi, I am wondering whether anyone has any experience with connecting
> to XP/2000 computers via the internet, using say msn messenger, from
> an Imac.
> I have an Imac ( built in microphone, and Sony DV camera), and my
> family ( unenlightened though they are) are running wintel stuff.
> Thier version of msn messenger allows them to "dial" each other and
> use thier microphones/cameras to have a "real" conversation, seeing
> and talking to the other parties. I cannot join in. Can I offer them
> something else, or is there another program that will connect to msn
> messenger ( Jabber?? )
> Help!!
A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without 
bricks tied to its head.

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