Hi all,

Suggestions for my question about playing back audio at different speeds
included the following:

* iMovie - apparently plays at different speeds, but it doesn't
run on 8.6 AFAIK
* SoundApp - which I have used since pre-historic times, but it
doesn't play back at different speeds
* Slider in Movie Player - launch with some key combination -
didn't try it, but thanks

I ended up with the following solution.

I created a HyperCard stack using the QuickTime XCMDs and making buttons
to open a file, rewind a movie, play a movie, pause a movie and forward
a movie. It also does funky things like set the rewind gap, the play
speed, it shows the current time and deals with a time-code offset.

I then needed to be able to control it from within Word. Abortive
attempts using macros and the MacScript command..

MacScript "tell application ""HyperCard"" to do script ""send mouse up to card 
button 1"""

..worked but were hideously slow. (If you're counting, that's three
scripting languages in one statement.)

I then tried making an Applet that you could launch from a mouse button
on the track ball we use, but launching every time didn't go much faster
and Word was put into the background. Making the Applet stay-open only
confused issues because re-launching it sent no more events to the

I even made a RAM disk to put the Applets onto, but that only marginally
assisted in speed.

I found out that OS8.5 comes with the OSAMenu extension - you put a
script into a folder and it becomes a menu item. It even caters for a
keyboard equivalent (just at a \ and the key to the end of the name of
the script).

The solution requires an ancient version of QuickTime and fortunately
removing the QT6.x extensions and putting the old ones in their place
and a reboot just worked. I also found a copy of FusionRecorder that
seemed to not hang when attempting to sample sounds to disk. (I'm still
working on a silly gap that it introduces every now and then for no
apparrant reason.)

After five hours of testing and solid coding - finding stuff on ancient
CDs was the hardest part - Fran is now typing away. I've not heard any
curses from the office yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Final thoughts: Only on Macintosh and Linux (et.al.) could I have pulled
this off, no way that I could have done this under Windows - yes I'm an
expert .BAT author - but as far as I'm concerned it would have never
happened otherwise. (No I don't use VBscript and OLE.)

Thanks all for the help.

Onno Benschop 

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