A bit more information on the computer would help, eg HDD, RAM, burner etc. If it's just speed you want you'd be surprised how much an extra quarter gig of ram can kick the pants of some of the early machines. I run Jaguar on a 266 beige g3 (I kid you not) and as an office machine it copes comfortably. All I did was put lots of Ram in (total over 400 meg). Given the cost of ram it seemed a sensible investment which has kept the machine in good service at my office. My 333 bronze also runs it, less ram but still great for general use, internet, photography without complex stuff (ie Photoshop).

Having said that I have never traded up a computer, they just get added to the gaggle. It is sometimes good to have a machine, for example, which can still read a "floppy"...


On Saturday, Jul 26, 2003, at 16:26 Australia/Perth, Reg Whitely wrote:

On Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 02:56 pm, warren iannello wrote:

I have a question for whom ever maybe able to answer it.I have a
g3 400 mhz I mac but am looking for a little more speed and
to some of the new os post 9.0 as well as te new browser systems.My