Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a copy of a file called Cleanup for ASR that works with
Apple's Disk Copy 6.4.
( I have 6.4 but the only copy of the Cleanup file I can find
continually downloads as corrupt).

I wish to make a disk image greater than 2 Gb to restore over our
network with Apple Software Restore.

Up until now I've ditched stuff to make the image smaller than 2 Gb and
used Disk Copy 6.3.3 and it works well.

Has anyone had experience with 6.4, as in making the image it breaks it
in to 2 parts which can be mounted but are not recognised when scanning
for ASR.

Have tried making the image with OS X (10.2.6) but again 6.4 can mount
the image but not prepare it for ASR.

I can use 6.4 to clone the image but this means taking a firewire device
to each machine, booting from it and running the cloning process .
Takes too long for 60+ machines plus only half of them have Firewire.

We use OS 10.2 Server with all OS 9.2.2 clients most of which don't have
enough memory to go to OS X
so using OS X with Carbon Copy Cloner is not an option at this stage.

Thanks in Advance
Peter Martinson
IT Eaton Primary School
Bunbury WA

PS Look after your Server install disk like gold because if you damage
it or lose it Apple insist (as of yesterday) that you pay the full $1200
(EDU price) to get a replacement CD even though you own an unlimited
I've already started at looking for an alternative platform. UNIX ?