I have made an offer on above machine required by a friend.

The owner claims the date and time display in menu bar is unpredictable,
being due to the need for a replacement battery

Owner claims this to be a $10 part and is easy to instal

I have used Macs since the original LISA and am unfamiliar with this battery
Are the above claims correct and is the issue a minor one?

Well, the above claims could be correct given the symptoms described, in which case you need to replace the battery, involving some delving into the innards of the machine.

Have fun,
=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
Perth, Western Australia Technomancer Join Team Sungroper, race the
Opinions for hire [POQ] 2003 World Solar Challenge
[EMAIL PROTECTED] fnord <http://sungroper.asn.au/>

  • Imac 350 Tony Wilson
    • Re: Imac 350 Shay Telfer